Saturday, May 1, 2010

My First Giveaway!

In celebration of reaching 100 followers, I am hosting my first giveaway!

Don't worry, you don't have to be a follower or have a blog to enter.

I will give a one-year magazine subscription to one of the following magazines.  If you win, you can choose which magazine subscription you'd like.

To enter, leave a comment that explains one of the two choices:

1.  Tell me the home improvement project or craft you are most proud of having done.  If you have a link to your project, feel free to leave it if  you want.


2.  Tell of a home improvement/decorating dilemma that you currently have.

***To get a second entry in the contest, simply blog about this giveaway and let me know you did so! You can grab my button that's located on the left sidebar, or just link to this contest.

This giveaway will close Friday, May 7th 2010.   A winner will be selected at random from the comments that have been left.

 Thanks, and good luck!

Magazine choices:

1.  Country Living

2.  Better Homes and Gardens

3.  House Beautiful

4. Coastal Living


  1. The craft I am most proud of having done is learning to knit (from my mom). I started on scarves, and have now moved on to afghans and mittens. Sorry no link to pix available.
    Thxs for entering me in the contest. I'd love to win!

  2. Congrats on reaching one hundred followers! My biggest dilemma right now is having my crafting stuff in the master bedroom, it's driving me *nuts* but I keep trying to work with it until I'm happy with it.

  3. Congrats on 100 followers!!! And what a neat idea for a contest prize!

    My currently decorating dilemma is that I am too chicken to hang a pot rack in my ceiling - as in too chicken I will blow it and it will fall out, LOL. Going to have "man up" and just do it!

  4. Margie mpaetzold@gmail.comMay 1, 2010 at 3:12 PM

    My husband and I just bought our first house and moved out of a tiny apartment into four bedrooms plus bonus room. EVERYTHING is a decorating challenge as there isn't anything to decorate with yet. While the blank slate is fun, it's also extremely intimidating. Thanks for all the inspiration on your blog and congrats on reaching 100 followers!

  5. My favorite home improvement project was actually a group effort. But, I took out the wall which created a hallway and made our kitchen way to small. After I did all the pounding and hauling we hired a gentleman to put in the new floor. Our kitchen is soooo much bigger! And I had a great time working out my frustration at how slow the whole kitchen project was going.

  6. Congrats on #100! What an awesome GIVEAWAY...please count me in! I'm most proud of how my flowerbeds turned out in my front yard...did this project last Spring and luv the outcome. I will be posting some pics of this project soon:)


  7. I have posted your GIVEAWAY on my sidebar:) If I'm the LUCKY winner...I would luv House Beautiful.


  8. Congratulations on your first 100 followers! I'm sure you'll have 100 more in no time. I have a lot of projects I'm proud of so I don't think I can pick just one. As for a dilemna, I am painting my kitchen cabinets this summer (when I have time off from work). The dilemna? I have no idea what color. I have a little over a month to figure it out.

  9. Congrats on reaching 100 followers. What a great giveway.

    I'm probably most proud of the bedroom my husband and I built in the basement. We bought a book that told us how to do it and then built it and had never done any DIY before. However, I don't have any photos taken of that room, so the other project (a close second) I'm proud of is installing hardwood flooring in the family room. We rented a nailer and put it in one weekend ( - a very tiring weekend.

  10. I found your blog thru Coastal Living, I love it! My whole house is a delimma! We moved here a few years ago, and it was a disaster. We painted, took down our cherub wallpaper (who does that?!), and painted. It looks awesome...but it's the things you don't see until you look for it. The paint marks on the ceiling, the baseboards that don't match! Woah! Getting over whelmed just thinking about it. Maybe that's why we have not sold our house yet.....hmmmmmm. Anyway, I dream of another house to live in...with no issues I have to deal with. So if I won, I would have to get Better Homes and Gardens, because that is just what i strive for in my house now, a better home and gardens. :) Enjoyed your blog!

  11. Ooo! House beautiful PLEASE! :)

    Okay... so right now, I'm having this issue. I have this big glass window, that I'm trying t make a frame for... so it can actually OPEN and close, and it's SUCH a brain twister to me and Cason. We actually gave up on it, for a while, but I have a feeling it's coming back t haunt us. LOL.

    I think I need to just do a little more research. LOL

  12. Congrats on reaching 100 followers!

    I would love to have a subscription to Country Living.

    Thanks so much!
    :) Laura

  13. Stephenie -

    Congrats on reaching 100 + followers. I know you have more than that because I follow you unofficially and I'm sure others do as well! How could we not? Our biggest dilemma currently is the septic system. First estimate is in - $10 k. Part of the 'charm' of living in a historical home. Thanks for including me in your give away!

    - Deborah

  14. Congrats! House Beautiful would be great. I have a decorating dilema. I want to redo my kitchen. I have grey tile on the floor. I feel I'm limited to what color cabinets we should get. I would like white, but I heard white starts to peel and flake after so many years and that would is better. However, with such dark tile a light color like white would be the only solution to bring more light into it? Decisions....

  15. What a great giveaway! I would love country living. I love your blog! Enjoy the rest if your weekend!

  16. The home improvement I am most proud of is tiling a bathroom on my own. Now, this work was done as part of the Habitat for Humanity effort, so it is for a home meant for a family in need and I am proud to have been a part of that! BTW Congrats on reaching 100 followers!

  17. I blogged about this giveaway -

  18. Congratulations Stephenie on reaching 100 followers! So, my biggest decorating dilemma is what to tackle first. We bought an 80's style house - you know, lots of exposed brick walls and knotty pine ceilings - and there are so many things I'd like to do, sometimes I have to stop and think what would give us the most enjoyment, or what is the most desperate! But we've finished our bathroom, and I'm working on a rather large project now, so I'm hoping it will make a huge difference to the look and feel of our home. Thanks for hosting this giveaway, and have a great weekend. K xx

  19. Hi Stephenie...huge congratulations on reaching's such a milestone to achieve. I have a few dilemmas at the kitchen is the biggest..can't stand the perfectly good granite bench tops, marine grade carpet on the floor (oh yes!),there is nowhere near enough cupboard space and nowhere to expand either...will take some ingenuity to sort it I'm afraid...I suspect the blogosphere will need to be consulted! Great giveaway and very generous.

  20. Ilike that all my rooms are color.not just white.Red dining room-blue kitchen etc. right now I would like money so I can fix all the things that really need it.It has gotten so alot needs doing since husband has been sick-way behind.front porch is gonna fall off soon..

  21. I love Better Homes and Gardens! Congrats on the 100 followers (I am at 99!!)

    When we first moved into our house almost 3 years ago, I could have cried. Orange/red vinyl floors, flowered wallpaper and border and orange tile in the kitchen. My husband was great and let me renovate a little. Gone are the old counter tops as well, replaced by faux stone.

    Now the kitchen is my favorite place to hang out! As it should be! :)

    My email:

    Suzanne's Blog-Mommy Moves Again

  22. CONGRATS on 100 followers...and awesome giveaway. I'd be happy with any of the mags.
    I just love it when the mailman brings my Style @ Home to my door.

    My big dilemma is....I'm repainting the entire house white. It is a creamy white right now and I'd like it much whiter. Sounds easy right? For anyone who has tried to pick a white paint you know how it can make your head spin. There are so many to choose from.
    I have trouble picking what flavour of chips to buy ;-) Choices trip me up lol.


  23. The project I am proud of is a chandelier that I redid for my daughters room. I found an old brass one at a flee market for $15.00, I spray painted it black and put on cute new shades and wired and glued on pink cristals and it looks amazing. She is so proud of it and tells all of her friends that I made it for her. Makes a momma proud!

  24. congrats on so many followers, and what a great giveaway idea. i would love a subscription to country living, even tho i don't live in the country nor do i decorate with a country style. i just find the magazine the most "do-able" in real life.

    the project i am most proud of is my sunroom redo. it was a total after thought kind of space before we redid it, and now it is my go to place. it's a small space, but it's just the something extra that makes my cape special. you can see all that we've done to it here, at

  25. Steph-

    I've NEVER been a project-y kind of girl. Reading your blog has inspired me. JUST this weekend we took down all our shutters, power washed them, & painted them a striking black (they were a gaggy blue)! I even painted the front door to match! Our white house looks all jazzed up in a tuxedo!

    The next project we're going to do is painting our fireplace bricks inside! I'm nervous but inspired! Thanks. I LOVE your site!!


  26. The home improvement/decorating dilemma that I currently have is that I don't know how to do anything on my own, and hiring people in NYC to do it costs a fortune. I need a bunch of updates - crown molding, new countertops, exposing the brick in my place, a new faucet for my bathroom sink - actually I think i want to re-do the entire bathroom. That being said, the project that I am most proud of is the bar in my coat closet. I measured it and installed it myself. I know, it doesn't seem like much, but considering that I know nothing, it is.

  27. That is so great to reach 100! My decorating dilemma? Well, it my whole house! I have two young kid. Clleaning up after them is so hard since my husband lets them getaway with everything. So I let go of my hobby of decorating my house for years to try and raise my kids. But now I really want those pretty houses that you see in magazines so Im starting over. Im trying to retrain my husband an my kids and redecorating @ the same time. And Im doing it while blogging about it too!


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and comment! I truly appreciate your feedback.