Although the color scheme we selected for Imani's room seems very mature, I am hoping that we will be able to add some touches to make it feel fun.
One idea I have is to somehow create a bed alcove. What kid doesn't like having her own little alcove to climb into and read or draw or pretend?
So this isn't a definite yet . . . because I still have to convince Mr. Can Man to actually create this. He is still a bit resistant to the whole color scheme . . . and since I am in Dallas, it's hard to really sit down and show him all of my plans for Imani's room. Hopefully, he reads this blog at work each day.
And hopefully, Imani DOESN'T read this blog at day camps each day. Otherwise, there won't be much of a surprise when we reveal her room to her!
So here are some bed alcoves I found to inspire the project. I figure at the very least, I could hang some curtains to make the bed feel like an alcove, right?
I like the curved arch around this one:
I like the curved arch around this one:
I like the red curtains here:

I like the red curtains here:
Absolutely love the curved arch around this one too.
I like that the next photo has a light in the alcove. I also like the mirror in there on the wall and the storage beneath the bed.
Again, the next one is framed in but I like that it has the pillows up against the wall like a day bed.
This photo also has the bed framed in and also has storage beneath the bed.
Hopefully, we can do something similar in Imani's room because I think she will love it.
Only one more night and I am home from Dallas. Yippeee.